This tutorial as made and written by my own ideas any resemblance to other tutorials is purely coincidental.
Supplies Needed
PSP 10 version used but any will work
Tube of choice. I'm using artwork called "Nina" by Alexander McMillan
You can purchase his work here
Scrapkit: Matching kit with same name by Tiny Turtle Designs
You can purchase her work here
Font of choice. I'm using font called Same-Sex Marriage Script LDO
Plugin: Xero-Radiance
Elements used from kit
Nina (2)
Nina (5)
Nina (9)
Nina (12)
Nina (35)
Nina (42)
Nina (63)
Nina (67)
Nina (86)
Nina (89)
Let's get started
Open new raster 600x600
Copy and Paste Frame
Copy and Paste paper drag below frame layer
Adjust size then use eraser tool to remove outside access
Copy and Paste star doodle duplicate-image-mirror
Copy and Paste branch go to image-rotate right
Copy and Paste flower arrange by sample
Copy and Paste diamond place above flower layers
Copy and Paste remaining elements by sample
On the leaves go to duplicate-image-mirror
Add tube of choice I applied Radiance Effect
Add name go to adjustments-add/remove noise-adjust setting to liking
Add copyright info and we are done!