This tutorial was made and written by my own ideas any resemblance to other tutorials is purely coincidental.
Supplies Needed
For experienced PSP Users
Tube: Artwork by Irmino-Pin-oops! called Santas Candy Girl
You can purchase here
Scrapkit: Matching kit by Scraps N Pleasure with the same name
You can purchase here
Font of choice. I'm using font called Santa'sSleighFull
Plugin: Eye Candy 5-Impact-Gradient Glow
Elements used from kit
SNP-santa candy- elements37
SNP- santa candy- elements36
SNP-santa candy- elements35
SNP-santa candy- elements31
SNP-santa candy- elements28
SNP-santa candy- elements25
SNP-santa candy- elements12
SNP-santa candy - elements01
Lets get started
Open new raster 700x700
Copy and Paste house place in center of raster
Copy and Paste sleigh place on left side of house
Copy and Paste the vines duplicate drag under house layer
Copy and Paste remaining elements by sample
Copy and Paste tube of choice. I applied drop shadow
Add name I applied Gradient Glow with drop shadow
Add copyright info and we are done!